What is CYA?
Change Your Algorithm is a mental wellness program that offers free 1-hour mental health classes online and in Los Angeles. Our classes are led by certified mental health therapists that provide you with the tools needed to take care of your mind. We also offer a fitness program. Yes, it’s all free. There is no judgement here, just healing.
Welcome to Our Community
Community is a core value of Change Your Algorithm. We take pride in our attendees that come from all different walks of life to improve themselves and their place in the world. Our community, both our peers and our therapists, share common characteristics in self-improvement and self-development because they understand we deserve to become the best versions of ourselves, and we do that by coming together and supporting each other. The CYA community is a safe space of healing and no judgment. Our community celebrates our differences and imperfections while reminding all of us that we are not alone.

We are a community with proven success, and we believe that we can heal together because we are all made of the same matter. Take a look at what our community is saying about us!

“It’s a great feeling when you find others who can “relate” and Change Your Algorithm has done just that by bringing people together to connect.”
Leanne Amistoso (CYA Peer)

“Connecting in a guided group session with a therapist, explores human vulnerability, similarity, and has endless positive outcomes. Thank you CYA!“
Shakir Najieb (CYA Peer)

“My first impression of CYA was how open and comfortable it felt. It was a space where I could say anything without feeling any judgement at all. Free therapy is one heck of a deal!”
Devin Hayes (CYA Peer)

Meet Our Therapists
The therapists of Change Your Algorithm are some of the best in the field. The founders of CYA have spent months building a team of mental health professionals with all kinds of backgrounds that are not only equipped to help you, but they genuinely care about you and support out the community. Our therapists’ specialties vary from anxiety management, depression relief, healing from trauma, recovery from addiction to practicing mindfulness. They are all here to help you heal.
About CYA Founder, Joel
Joel Relampagos is a motivational speaker, television executive producer, and board member at the AT Center of Los Angeles. After struggling with a 17-year addiction to alcohol, Joel sought treatment and worked with the best therapists and mental health professionals. He created Change Your Algorithm so that those who are experiencing self-doubt, fear, depression, anxiety and a sense of unworthiness can find a community for healing. Joel’s goal is to make sure CYA provides transformation and empowerment for all.

Joel Has Worked With:

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