CYA WOMEN: Cultivating Your Self-Care Plan

CYA WOMEN: Cultivating Your Self-Care Plan
CYA is grateful that therapist Gina Found leads these bi-weekly classes just for women and non-binary members! Join her as she helps you develop and cultivate a self-care plan that works for you and your busy day. You can never get too much self-care!

CYA is grateful that therapist Gina Found leads these bi-weekly classes just for women and non-binary members! Join her as she helps you develop and cultivate a self-care plan that works for you and your busy day. You can never get too much self-care! The format for this Women’s Group is the following:
• Brief breath work and body scan
• Check in
• Psychoeducation and skills practice
• Open discussion
• Class ends w/ self-care identification